Friday, March 30, 2012

Call from Oncologist - never good

Biopsy still showed high grade dysplasia (one step before cancer).  He wants to cut away at me again.  I will know more next week as to when.  Yay me.  Thanks for the continued prayers.

More later -
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Thursday, March 29, 2012

It's been awhile

Sorry for being out of touch.  Everything is status quo right now - so that is a good thing.   I went to HEB today and the checkout lady asked how I was doing - I told her alright.  She said that ever since she met me that she had put me on the prayer list at her church.  I have no recollection of telling her anything although I did recognize her.  See it is things like that that pull the heart strings - and let's me know how blessed I am to have complete strangers praying for me.  Thank you all unknown faces for praying for me.

I went to the oncologist last Friday.  Painful.  Not sure if I have mentioned it but the radiation also damages the vaginal canal by narrowing it and can continue doing so for the rest of my life - yay radiation.  It makes exams extremely painful - there are things I should be doing about it and need to get my butt in gear and face up to the pain of stretching it out.  He did a biopsy - which I wasn't expecting.  It is also extremely painful. I will call tomorrow for the results and will let you know.

More later -

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Fatigue or a touch of some kind of bug

A friend I were going to Houston on Friday - see a band and have fun.  We were supposed to get up and spend a night in Austin and see the same band.  I got the kids to school and then got ready and packed.  I was feeling okay but knew I had been pushing it the past week.

I feel asleep on the way to Houston.  Was half asleep in the lobby while my friend checked in and we went to the room.  I went directly to bed and fell right back to sleep.  My feedbag chimes went off and I got up and unhooked and flushed the line.  From there my intestines went south.  He went to the show.  I went back to bed.  Crawled out of the hotel the next day.  Feel back asleep on the way back to SA- we canceled Austin  Once back home, I went straight back to bed.  Intestines still giving me some grief.  I ended up sleeping almost 48 hours straight - missing all my meds.  Such is my life -

More later -
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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Oh No! A MOUSE in the HOUSE

First a little background:  I grew up most of my summers during elementary and middle school years at my family's ranch in Brackettville, TX - pretty much the mid-point between Del Rio and Uvalde.  It was wonderful.  The Jones Ranch was founded by my great grandparent on my mom's side of the family.

My great grandparents had one boy and five girls (which could be a whole other blog).  So it was pretty much a compound of all my great grandparents' children.  It was during a time of parent's divorcing and no one knew what to do with the kids during the summer - so we packed up and headed to the ranch.  There was no TV at the ranch - way too far out in the country.  Spent most days at Fort Clark Springs swimming.  If we weren't at the pool we would run wild at the ranch catching horny toads, raising baby rabbits that had been abandoned, shooting up trarantulas with a BB gun, watching my uncles chopping off the head's of rattle snakes etc.  You get the picture.

Fast forward 30 something years.  I don't like frogs, snakes, lizards, gerbils, hamsters, rats nor mice!  I've lost that lovng feeling of varmits.  My cat has a fondness of lizards.  He plays with them but never kills them.  My son, Matthew (The Lizard Hero), is the one that will save the lizard and toss them outside.

My cat upped the ante on Tuesday.  The nice lady, Martha who cleans my house, was here this past Tuesday.  I was headed out the door to take my daughter to the doctor.  Martha motions that the cat brought something in.  I thought it was just another lizard.  She couldn't think of the english name for a mouse.  So I saw it a couple of times - just a small little field mouse.  But I DID NOT want it in my HOUSE.  Luckily, it was time for my quarterly pest control and I told them about the mouse.

So while I waiting for them to show up, I saw the mouse go into the understairs closet.  I tucked a pair of sweatpants under the door hoping I could keep it trapped there until Craig showed up.  As soon as Craig came in the house, the mouse ran into my room and staight for the closet.  Craig went to get gloves to catch it.  As soon as he came back into my room, the mouse went under my dresser and straight for the bathroom.  Ah - we got him!  No such luck.  The mouse then went into linen/closet in the bathroom.  Needless to say, neither of the closets are NEAT!  Craig them laid out sticky mice catchers. I started digging all the stuff out of the closet and the mouse ran out and got stuck.  I asked Craig not to kill him - so he said get some cooking oil.  He took it out back and poured the oil and the mouse ran free.

New rule at my house:  CAT is on Lock down from freely roaming outside and bringing me presents that I never wanted.  So the MOUSE is now out of my HOUSE - So Happy!

More later -
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