It has been way too long since I have posted - which is good news - I am still leveled out. Still have to get my pain meds for my bladder worked out - which will happen by the end of this month.
Seeing oncologist this Friday - never fun. I have two spots that are concerning me - going to ask for them to be biopsied. Will keep you posted.
I have been in a funk for a long while. Well that turned itself around and went a little manic. I bought two teacup Persians. Duke and Delilah. They will be here around the first week in July. It really gave my heart a lift. I had been in a funk for so long and had given it to God. I kept looking for direction. Just looking at those kitten pictures helped and although I really couldn't afford it - I did it anyways. I love them already - just waiting until they are old enough to be shipped. They are gifts from God - finally found the direction He was leading me to. Who knew it would be two fur-babies? If I ever learn how to post pictures, I hope to get some pictures up in July.
Also working on getting down to my family's ranch so that I can see everyone and the trips will get to know their cousins - one of which was born the same day as they were. So lots of positives.
Hope everyone is doing well!
More later -