Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Never thought I would get to this point!

Hi All

It's been awhile since I posted.  I have added a place on my blog to enter your email address and you will be notified when I post - hope it works.

When I say I never thought I would get to this point, I mean everything has finally calmed down and is stablized.  My pain is being managed (I have a wonderful pain management doc - if you need one, let me know and I will get the contact info to you).

I don't have umpteen doctor appointments each week.  My pain is being managed.  My TPN feeds are keeping me nourished.  Still want a new bladder - but the meds usually help tremendously.  Still can't eat but that is kind of okay - I MISS FOOD!  But it is usually not worth it to eat unless it is something that is just beyond my saying no to - doesn't happen often but it does happen.  I will lose it all but sometimes I just can't resist.

With Thanksgiving upon us, I am so grateful for all the prayers, my family and feeling somewhat human again.  God has been good and the prayers sent up for me - I am grateful for each one.

More later -

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1 comment:

  1. how are you and how was the procedure? Hope all is good love,
