Friday, November 23, 2012

How my brain (doesn't) work

We all know that Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday.  I have seen the black Friday TV ads.  So today is obviously a Friday.  Right?

I woke up and thought today was Monday.  I have a doc appt at 11 am.  So I started setting alarms last night.  I also started resetting this morning them to squeeze every minute of rest/sleep I could get. 

I talked to my mom this morning and verified the time she and papa needed to be here.  She sits on my couch and was making general conversation.  She asked if I still had my appt on Monday.  I looked at my calendar.  To my surprise, today is Friday - not Monday - big dork!

WOW - so glad we didn't have to get in Black Friday traffic.  Sorry Mom and PaPa for taking up your time this morning.

Happy post Thanksgiving!

More later -

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